(From the Apocrypha)
  Wisdom of Solomon
Chapter 1...

12 Do not invite death by the error of your life...
13 For God did not make death, nor does He enjoy the destruction of the living.
14 For He created all things to exist: and He made the generative forces of the world for health: and there is no poison of destruction in them, and the dominion of Hades is not on earth.
15 For uprightness is perpetual and immortal.
16 But the ungodly with works and words have called it to them: and esteeming it a friend, have pined for it, and have made a covenant with it...
  Chapter 2...
23 For God created man for immortality, the image of His own likeness He made him.
24 But through the devil's envy death came into the world...

Human beings have been created for immortality, not death. We are firstly and foremostly spirits who have been given this world to exercise our dominion. As such, we having been created as extensions/expressions of the Divine, spanning and embodying all three realms, (spiritual, astral and physical), in order to effect and enjoy a practical, material expression of Heaven on earth, (in our bodies and in the world). In our capacity to choose, enough of us made the choice to explore and embrace a relationship with death that it became a part of the fabric of consciousness that forms the basis of manifestation here. Thus, death eventually became regarded as something inherent to our condition. The Truth is we still have a choice and we don't have to make that one, but most of us don't realize that we have the choice and that by communal default, ergo cellular memory, it's been imposed on our consciousness and life experience. In contrast, Wisdom, Love, the Divine Mother chooses to abide by humanity and flip things around, using the elements of Nature ro facilitate death as Transformation and Rebirth rather than destruction and finality of existence. Her Light pierces the depths of the death experience and, as the Dark Mother, [the Great Mother in the Dark cycles and times], She restores our inner Light therein and rebirths us to the fullness of our inherent Divine Consciousness and eternal Life, (mentally, psychically and physically).

    Having lived many years in the blessed company of the Dark Mother, these scriptures (and many from the quoted chapters that have been omitted above) both clarify and summarize the issue of death for me. The Divine Mother's relationship with me is eternal; immortality is not just an option for me, it's my nature, birthright and choice. I am very thankful that, in the course of our relationship, She has led and taught me to create Music facilitating the consciousness of Her Presence during the experience of death and Transformation and the reawakening of and return to our immortal Nature.

    Rev. Michaele de Cygne
